So I've got a front-row seat for a corporate function. We've got five supposedly-distinguished guests on tap to talk about (surprise, surprise) leadership. One's a marketing exec, one's a basketball coach, one's an NGO exec, and the last one is an exec who just spearheaded an org-rendering cultural shift. Of those four, one spoke with passion, and another spoke with intellect and vision. Two out of four, not bad. The fifth speaker, I didn't know what to make of.
It's a guy who quit his day job to write a book (more of a booklet) on things a person can do to supposedly help this country. He's now speaking where he can to talk about this epiphany of his.
Yep, I don't get it. His heart may be in the right place (I have no idea if he's got delusiuons of grandeur - I don't think so) but he, to my mind, is going about this in an extremely ineffective way. What bothered me even more is that he's clearly an intelligent man, perhaps lacking a bit in the public speaking skill department. What he's become is a quote-spewing machine. Quotes from all sorts of historical figures and management gurus.
That's simply brain power going to waste.
I guess we all tilt at our own windmills, and follow our own yellow brick roads.