Wednesday, September 21, 2005

License to Drive

Took a day off from work today to get my driver's license renewed. I expected it to take some time considering the poor government processes.

I arrived at the East Avenue office at around 8:30 am. It was my first time getting a license there since we had moved in the three years that my last license was valid, so I asked around for instructions. Apparently I had to cross the street to what supposedly was a medical lab to get a medical certificate and a drug test. Heh.

I exited the LTO and was immediately approached by a guy who said he's point the way to where I needed to go. Since there were hordes of people and it was broad daylight I followed his lead. We crossed the street (no crosswalk!) and entered an area of ramshackle stalls. Among the stalls was a little wooden "office" where I sat down and filled out a few forms. I pissed into a cup, and in five minutes I got my clean drug test. Cost: P250.

My guide then reappeared and pointed the way to the "medical lab." It was nothing more than a room with a lady who sat you down and made you read from a standard optometrist's wall chart. I read just fine with my corrected sight, so I got my "medical clearance" in under five minutes. Cost: P50. (Incidentally, the guy opposite me was only able to read row 4 of the chart. He was given "medical clearance" as well. I hope I never meet him on the street.)

Back to the LTO. Filled up a form, turned in the papers along with my old license. Wait ten minutes. Have digital photo taken, and sign digital signature capture thingy. Wait another 20 minutes. Pay the cashier. Cost: Just under P300. Wait another 20 minutes. Get license card and receipt and I'm done.

Hop in a cab and I'm home before 10am. That was relatively painless, I must say. All I have to do next time is drink a bit more before going to facilitate the peeing into the cup. See them in three years!

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