Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I Should Be Writing

Mur Lafferty does sound like one of those self-help motivational speakers. However, her message isn't that much different from the main book that I've been using over the year to spark the stories in my head: Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way" and its sequels.

It's simple - write. That's why I titled this weblog as "Everyday Insight" - these were to be my morning pages. The mind dump at the top of the day, if you will. No matter what, a half hour at the beginning of the day just to get the words flowing.

Of course, as Mur says, it's easy to slack off. Very easy, especially with a regular (ok, not so regular) job and other distractions. Just don't blame anyone else, because writing is something that's all on you.

I still have my notebooks from that wondrous streak of flowing words I had a couple of years ago. Woke up bright and early at five in the morning. Wrote for half an hour, longhand. My longhand is absolutely awful but I did it because it's what Julia recommended - an organic connection to your words in an age of electrons. I think I've decided that organic isn't me. This is easier. Anyway, after than, an hour in the gym, then breakfast, then a shower, then off to work. It was a good rhythm - I was writing, doing well at work AND I was fit for the first time in a long damned time.

It all came crashing down about my ears when I was laid off and repatriated. So I'm back to square one.

Temporary setback. So I have three weblogs that I write in semi-regularly. I'll begin the long journey back to getting on the wagon completely right here. If it doesn't work, I'll only have myself to blame, eh?

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