Thursday, May 25, 2006

Writer Beware's Top 20 Worst Literary Agents, featuring Barbara Bauer

As a sometime writer I consider myself a silent fringe member of the "struggling unpublished writer" community at large. In that capacity I sometimes lurk on web resources for writers. One of them is the weblog of a mysterious New York-based literary agent codenamed Miss Snark.

Now, this lady lives up to her nom de guerre, answering writers' questions from the hip. The stupider the question, the more snarkastic the answer.

Another key resource on the web is Writer Beware, a section of the Science Fiction Writers of America website dedicated to rooting out literary agents who scam writers.

Writer Beware recently published its list of the Top 20 Worst Literary Agents. You can imagine the reaction of anyone whose name appears on that dishonor roll. One of them is agent Barbara Bauer, who went on a campaign against Writer Beware and allied sites, including Miss Snark's.

Not a good idea. Miss Snark and her legions of Snarklings are hitting back as only web-savvy writers can, employing Googlebombs and Technorati tags like this: BarbaraBauer. Check out Miss Snark's left hook and right straight. She skipped the jabs, and now I guess we're waiting for the big uppercut.

Hey, Barbara Bauer? I think you're in trouble.

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