Saturday, February 18, 2006

A Crush of Media and Interests

It's been over a month since my last post (on this increasingly-misnamed weblog anyway) and I'm still struggling to absorb all the information from available media sources, plus maintain two interests (film+a bit of small screen series, and boardgaming). It doesn't help that not only has work been going through one of those stretches where everything needs to be done in the same timeframe, plus the three trips abroad which only serves to short circuit any attempt I make to establish a rhythm to deal with the work. Sigh.

Books are dead. I haven't read a single page since polishing off the disappointing A Feast for Crows. I'm still stuck halfway through Guns, Germs and Steel, and have built up a reading stack that's going to take me until 2008 to get through at this rate.

I'm currently tearing through film in an attempt to catch up with all the major Academy Award-nominated films. It's a decent crop this year, and I've seen all five of the Best Picture nominees and written up four as of this writing. On the downside, I've accumulated even more DVDs that I am simply not going to get to finish off anytime soon, plus the first 1.5 seasons of Battlestar Galactica (criminal, I know), the only season of Firefly, and I've-lost-count-of-how-many seasons of C.S.I. and 24.

Forget about working on my novel AND my screenplays.

Here's hoping that work slows down as I expect it to in April, so I can take some time off, take a trip with Chris and maybe catch up on some media.

Man, I'm glad I've completely given up on videogaming. I don't think a stack of unplayed or unfinished games similar to what I built up for the PS1 and PS2 would be a good use of cash.

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