Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Writing in electrons

It’s been cool in the evenings through the early mornings for the past few months. Even with the days and afternoons starting to become warmer, the evenings are still pleasantly cool. The night breeze here on the balcony is refreshing, and it’s been nice sitting out here and writing for the past few days. I only hope that it can last. This is so far the longest period that I’ve been constantly writing since those months in Jakarta, and it’s good knowing that I can still take my stream of thought and put it to paper. Well, I guess that’s the difference. I used to follow the suggestion of The Artist’s Way and handwrite my Morning Pages, but that no longer seems to be the way to do things. Since these passages are shorter and they will end up on my blog, writing with the Electron Pen is the way to do things now. I’ll forgive the book; the author, Julia Cameron, lived where there were no distractions out in the country and I guess notebook computers weren’t something she grew up with. I belong to Generation X, the first generation to have gone home to Commodores after school, when we were still in short pants. We were the first generation to have personal computers at home when we were in grade school, the first generation to play computer games on our IBM PC-XTs and Apple ][+’s and hand in papers on 5.25” floppy discs. I think the writing tradition will accept that some writers experience a renaissance writing on a word processor and posting the material on the world wide web.

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